We have been in business for the last 10 years, proudly serving the community.  Our unparalleled service, competitive prices, and overall value are why our customers keep returning.  We look forward to your patronage.  

1. Purpose. The purpose of this charter is to ensure all members understand the intent, procedures, policies, and rules for the Samoan Golf Tour.

2. Intent:  To provide a venue for the Samoan Golf Members to promote interest, participation and enjoyment in the game of golf, establish and maintain professional standards or practice. To provide not only outstanding avenue for players to display and develop their skills in a competitive atmosphere but a financially rewarding opportunity.

3.  Membership:
a.  Members: Members can be male or female. The cost of annual membership for the Samoan Tour is $100. The membership year is a twelve-month period beginning on the first day of the month in which a member plays in a tournament and ending on the last day of the twelfth month thereafter. Membership year for the tour starts in January.
The benefits of membership are as follows:
(i) members pay flat rate of $100 not including the green fees for one day tournament, $200 not including green fees for two day event, and $300 without green fees for three day event.
(ii) members receive cash or check for all prize money earned; 
(iii) members can pay by cash, credit card or present a personal check for the entry fee on the day before the tournament.(NSF of $25 will be accessed for any returned check); 
(iv) only members are eligible to participate in designated members-only tournaments; The membership status of a player is determined when a player tees off at the beginning of a tournament. Each member will agree to be an active member in good standing for a 12 month period. 
ALL players (members and guests) are responsible for paying their green fees for each respective tournament.

b. Non-members (Guests): Members are highly encouraged to invite Guest players.  However, Guests will pay a higher fee to play in each tournament. In addition to their green fees, Guest players will pay;

$120 for one day tournament 

$240 for two day tournament 

$340 for three day tournament 

ALL non-member (guest) fees are due NLT the Sat prior to the month’s tournament.   
If a non-member wins prize money, he or she can use a portion of the winning to pay annual membership fee and receive cash or check for the balance, or leave the entire prize money on the books and use it for future tournaments entry fees.

4. SGT AWARD - Mac Award represents the outstanding player of the year. It also represents loyalty and commitment of each player.
 Points: Members in good standing will receive points for placing in each tournament. The points will be added up at the end of each tournament and the member with the highest cumulative points will win the MAC AWARD and receive cash award at the Samoan Tour Annual Christmas Golf event to be held in December..
Members will earn the following points for each tournament placement:
 1st  2d   3d   4th  5th  6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17
 500 300 190 135 110  100 90  85   80   75    70    65    60     57    56    55     54
18th 19th 20th..... 
53     52    51   etc  
Points will not roll over to the next annual membership. The point totals will start over at the beginning of each annual term. Point totals will be included on the payout signature sheet and updated upon the completion of each tournament.

5. Membership Termination: If for any reason a member must drop from the Samoan Golf Tour, you must notify Tournament Committee NLT the Payment date prior to the next tournament or earlier if known.  There will NOT be a reimbursement of membership fee. 

6. Tournament Format: The format of each tournament on the Samoan Tour is individual stroke play, low gross competition, and a verified handicap system. Tournament play is governed by most of the 2022-2023 "USGA" Rules of Golf and its decisions and as modified by the Samoan Tour's Standard of Tournament Play, and by the Local Rules.
The tee markers will be identified prior to the start of each tournament depending on the course where the tournament is held.


"A" FLIGHT (0-14 Handicap)
"B" FLIGHT (15 or higher Handicap)

Tee markers set up for men
"A" will play from championship back tee marker.
"B" will play from forward tee marker.
Tee marker set up for women
Women will play from RED tee marker or tee designated by committee. 

7. Tournament Administration. All decisions made by the Samoan Tour Tournament Committee are final. Tournament Committee members are on site at every tournament to provide assistance, to monitor the pace of play, and to make rulings. Any Tournament Committee may assess penalty strokes for rule infractions or slow play subject to review by the Samoan Tour Tournament Committee.

8. Tournament Registration. To apply for entry in the Samoan Tour competition a player may: (i) mail a completed Application for Entry to the Samoan Tour; (ii) fax a completed Application for Entry to the Samoan Tour; (iii) register on-line through the Samoan Tour website; (iv) E-mail an entry request to the Samoan Tour; or (v) phone the Samoan Tour Committee with entry information. All players must be at least 18 years old on the day of the tournament. The Samoan Tour will do its best to accommodate all tee time requests. All local members must pay their entry fee on the day before the tournament in order to play for the tournament. "No Exception"If no registration fee is paid on the day before the tournament, you will not be scheduled to play on the tournament. The SGT outstanding members may register for entry fee on the day of the tournament.

9. Cancellations. There is no penalty for cancelling an entry at least 72 hours prior to the start of a tournament. The player will be charged a penalty of $25 for cancellations under the 72 hour deadline. Exceptions will be considered if a player has to cancel for a verified medical or other acceptable reason. If a player has to leave after teeing off due to family emergency, he or she will get 100% refundable from his or her entry fee.  A "no show" on the day(s) of the tournament will be charged a fixed penalty of $75. All cancellation refunds will be in the form of a credit for use within 12 months at a future Samoan Tour event.

10. Check-In and Starting. All players must personally check-in at the tournament registration desk at least 1 hour prior to the assigned tee times and must be at the starting point at least 10 minutes prior to the assigned tee time.   

11. Golf Carts. Players must follow cart rules established by the golf course and must make arrangements directly with the course prior to their assigned tee time if they desire an additional cart for spectators or a medical waiver from standard cart restrictions.

12. Caddies and Spectators. The Samoan Tour will not permit caddies but will allow spectators, friends and family members to all tournaments subject to course restrictions.

13. Golf Balls. All players must use a brand and type of golf balls on the current USGA List of Conforming Balls and must mark their balls for identification. 

14. Clubs. Player’s clubs must conform to USGA provisions, specifications and interpretations set forth in USGA Rules of Golf. All players will be in compliance with the SGT exception of fourteen club rule. Club sharing will be prohibited and will be penalized according to USGA rules. 

15. Artificial Measuring Devices. The Samoan Tour allows the use of devices to measure distance only. Use of devices that gauge or measure other conditions that might affect play (e.g. wind or gradient) is not permitted.

16.  Awards.  Tournament Committee will decide “Player of the year”, “Most improved player of the year”, “Sportsmanship player of the year” award. Members must compete in all tour events of the year to be considered for any of these awards.”

17. Prize Money Pay Out. The guaranteed first place prize money at each tournament is established prior to the event with amount dependent on the size of the field. Prize Money will be paid out to the top third of the flight. All new member may not win 1st place prize in your first tournament, but you can win 2nd place. Members may need to play 1 event before the two day major tournament to be eligible for first place prize.
Tournament purses vary based on the number of participants.Tournament payouts for one day event will be based on number of applicants. Tournaments with payouts for two or three day events will also be based on the number of participants.
On One Day Tournament; First place low gross is decided by lowest score, first place low net is decided by lowest net score. 
On Two andThree Day Tournaments; First place low gross is decided by lowest combine total gross score, first place low net is decided by lowest combined total net score. 

18. Scorecards. Each golfer is responsible for the correctness of his or her official tournament scorecard even though a designated fellow-competitor will be recording the score of each hole on the tournament scorecard. Each scorecard must be signed by the marker and attested by the player. If a player wishes to withdraw from the tournament, he or she must notify a Tournament Committee before leaving the course.
In an effort to equitably resolve scoring disputes all players in a foursome must submit their scorecards at the same time to the scorer's table and each player must be available for a reasonable time after submission to answer questions by the Tournament Committee. 
The Samoan Tour requests that any protest be made to a Tournament Committee as soon as possible after an incident occurs so that a proper ruling can be made in a timely fashion. In the event no protests are made after all scores are posted on the tournament scoreboard, the scoreboard shall be considered final and prize money awarded to the winners.
In multi-day events no protests will be considered for an incident occurring during a previous day's play. The Committee, however, reserves the right to correct a ruling or scoring mistake that it may have made at any time during a multi-day tournament. Scorecards must be turned in as soon as possible after play.

19. Optional Daily Wagers.  At most Samoan Tour tournaments there will be an optional players' closest to the pin competition, optional skins game, hole in one, no-putt, and deuces that are conducted simultaneously with the tournament competition.
Each players' closest to the pin competition has a $10 buy-in. The purse will be $10 times the number of players in the competition. 
Each skins contest has a $20 buy-in. 
A skin will be awarded to the player who has the lowest score on a hole when compared to scores from all other players that entered the skins contest. Any ties will result in no skin being awarded on that hole. 
The total number of skins awarded for all 18 holes will then be divided into the collected funds to determine the dollar prize of each skin.
"Hole in one pot" has a $20 buy in all year until it is won. If any player at anytime gets a hole in one, he or she will be paid the entire hole in one pot. Only apply to those who bought into this optional game. Once the hole in one pot is won, we will start a new hole in one pot again for everybody who wants to join in. If no one wins the hole in one pot this year, it will carry over next year.
Deuces Wild Game; Buy in for the Deuce is $20. If you get a "2" on a hole, you get paid for your Deuce. The Deuce is mainly for par 3s but will apply if you get a "2" on a par 4. All 2s on scorecard will split the pot. If you have 3 of them you get paid 3 times. You have guaranteed money if you get a "2" which is a birdie on a par 3 or an eagle on par 4. If no one wins the Deuce, it will carry over to next tournament.
20. Dress Code: The Samoan Tour strictly enforces a tournament dress code with no exceptions. Collared shirts are required, no jeans, denims, jogging outfits, or sweat pants are permitted. Shorts may be worn, but must be within five inches of the knee.
21. Player Conduct: The Samoan Tour does not tolerate excessive swearing or vulgar language, club throwing, alcohol or drug abuse, lack of golfing etiquette, verbal abuse of its Tournament Officials, or other such behavior. Such conduct may result in tournament disqualification and suspension or expulsion from the Tour. 
The game relies on the integrity of each member and his/her guest and must show consideration for other players and to abide by the rules. All players must conduct themselves in a professional manner demonstrating courtesy and sportsmanship at all times. Cell phones, beepers, radios and other such devices are prohibited during play if in the opinion of a Tournament Official they are disturbing to fellow-competitors. 

22. Returned Checks: The Samoan Tour charges a $25 fee for any returned checks or other items.

23. Miscellaneous: The tournament policies and procedures of the Samoan Tour are subject to revision at any time without notice.

24. Selected tournament committee; Executive Director-Miss McLin,  Tournament Director-Mr. Matautia, Public Relation Director/Entertainment-Mr. Junior Tili , Tournament Assistant-Mr. Junior Tili, Treasure-Miss McLin. Tournament committee will be responsible for the full operation of each tournament events. All changes, updates, revisions and decisions of the by laws and policies will be approved by majority vote of the committee. 

25. Inclement weather (Bad weather) Rain out; SGT will reschedule rain out events on the same month providing that the Golf course will work with our schedule in the case of unfriendly weather. SGT will signal end of play if conditions warrant stoppage of play. If the Golf course deems the course open and playable, we will likely continue, but we dont play in the presence of lightning at anytime. Every player will receive a refund of their entry fee if an event is rained out. In case of a two day or three day event, if the first day event is completed and the second day is rained out, we will use first day score to decide the tournament outcome. On the three day event, if the first two days event are completed and the third day event is rained out, we will use the first two day score for the tournament outcome. 

26. Charity; SGT will provide charity funds for the organization of their choice.